User Guide

Tuned Geodetic Information - example

Before explaining how to use this procedure, we take a few minutes to illustrate the rationale. Let’s start looking at the EarthLocation class of the Astropy library. It gives information about an observatory, as you can see here:

>>> from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
>>> srt = EarthLocation.of_site("SRT")
'Sardinia Radio Telescope'
>>> srt.height
<Quantity 671.6665 m>

The height of SRT, according to Astropy, is 671.6665 meters. That height is not the same as the one saved on the FITS files generated from DISCOS:

>>> from import fits
>>> hdul ='tests/data/xyz.fits')
>>> hdul[0].header["ANTENNA"]
>>> hdul[0].header["SiteHeight"]

That is why we implemented the example procedure. In fact example computes and returns the average geodetic information of a given observatory. That information is computed taking in account the data from the Astropy library and from a FITS file produced at the observatory. To see how it works, execute the command perform:

$ perform
Procedure name:

The prompt is asking us to enter the name of the procedure. We type example:

$ perform
Procedure name: example
Tuned Geodetic Info of:

The prompt is now asking to enter the observatory name. We give the name SRT and finally get the average geodetic information of SRT:

$ perform
Procedure name: example
Tuned Geodetic Info of: SRT
Geodetic_info: {
    "observatory": "Sardinia Radio Telescope",
    "latitude": 39.493056194999994,
    "longitude": 9.245155620000004,
    "height": 660.8332500009775


The user documentation of this procedure is just an example, use it as a reference template.